Martelle Water Treatment takes a scientific approach to treating water with chemicals. Knowing what your water quality is and clearly defining the problem establishes the right solution. Experts in Carus Corporation's analytical laboratory evaluate parameters such as Ph, hardness, manganese, and iron. Using advance analysis and knowing the water quality allows for feasibility information and cost effectiveness to assure a responsible response to the end users and governing bodies.
Laboratory Analysis

Treatment System
Using results from the water analysis, a computer application is applied to determine the most effective product, dosing requirements, equipment and settings to create a customized treatment program for each well or water source. Once these parameters are determined Martelle Water Treatment can supply and install everything from storage tanks, to feed equipment and scales. Working with customers on small bulk storage systems (SBS) and using cutting edge delivery methods, the treatment program comes together with unsurpassed efficiency, resulting in quality results.

Added Value
Quality results add up to value. Value in fewer customer complaints about water quality issues. Value in reduced labor and water waste during hydrant flushing. Value in reduced system maintenance costs. Value in peace of mind that Martelle Water Treatment has your best interest as the focus. When all is said and done.....
Treat Water Like it is Money.